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A look into Ultimate Space Heroes: The Legend of Jellybeans

Hi everyone! DynamicCreation here. Now, things have been a bit quiet about Ultimate Space Heroes recently. We're working super hard on the game. We're going to be opening the final alpha phase during the next couple of weeks so stay patient. (Builders Club Alpha Phase*) *If you aren't a BC Member but had a alpha pass, your pass will not work. However, once the BETA is open, your alpha pass will grant you an alpha badge in-game, a higher rank in the Bloxy Studios group and a #1 Alpha Tester foam finger.

Anyways, onto the post.

So from today leading up towards the end of next week, we will be posting daily Ultimate Space Heroes sneakpeaks and legends to get you (our fans) hyped up about the games launch.


Without further ado, let's begin on todays sneak peek.

I'd like to chat to tell you all the legend behind 'Jelly Beans'. Jelly Beans will be the source in which Space Heroes will collect (along with completing quests and games) to level up in the universe.


-From the Jellybean Journal

Entry by: Phrux

Date:1st of January 3001 (2001 in Earth Years)

Today we have made one of the biggest discoveries in the history of the universe along side Dr.Gloop, the leader of the USOU, Ultimate Science Operatorations Unit. This will possibly change the universe for as long as we live. This extract is from the Report Dr.Gloop sent out to the SHMU (Space Heroes Media Unit) earlier today.

"We noticed from tests in the Unitary Lab with the effects sugar has on the brain, that Sugar gives the average Space Hero a large ammount of energy. Infact, a vast ammount. The most energy we have ever seen a Space Hero be able to consume and digest into the world. We found that capability levels rose over 70% when we carried out tests upon the consumption of Jelly Beans. Those are huge numbers we're talking about here. This isn't something minor. This is BIG. I mean, this could quite and truly stop the invasion... or at least simmer it down a little. Right? Here's what I mean, we gave one of the test heroes a JellyBean and sent them into space with The Zibs and the PC (Planetary Command). From here, when they came back, the results were astonashing. We had never seen this ammount of force nor power before. The Space Hero in testing had knocked down 24 Alien Aircrafts, Had taken over the PFI (Planetary Force Institution) Energy ratings, broke the PFI servers and came back down. Within a singular hour. Imagine what space heroes could do upon hundreds, if not, thousands of jellybeans. They'd save the universe."


So, does this make you any more excited for the game? Will there be one type of jellybean? Or will there be many? How many Jellybeans will be needed in order to level up?

Time will tell,

Suit up, Space Heroes!

CEO of BloxyStudios,


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